Tugas Quiz Tehnik Kompilasi

1501166213-Antonius TS



1.S -> S + A | S – A | A + S | A – S | B * A

B -> aB | B(a + B) | B * a | a(a + B) | b

A -> a

Jawab :

S-> AS’’ | B*AS’

S’ -> +AS’ | -AS’ | ε

S’’ -> +SS’ | -SS’

B -> aB’’ | bB’

B’ -> (a+B)B’ | *aB’ | ε

B’’ -> BB’ | (a+B)B’

A -> a

First (S) -> {a,b }
First (S’) -> { +,-, ε }
First (S’’) -> {+,- }
First (B) -> {a,b }
First (B’) -> { (,*,ε }
First (B’’) -> { a,b,(}
First (A) -> {a }
Follow (S) -> { $}
Follow (S’) -> { $}
Follow (V) -> {:}
Follow (V’) -> {:}
Follow (E) -> { then,$,),]}
Follow (E’) -> { then,$,),]}
Follow (T) -> { +,-}
Follow (T’) -> { +,- }
Follow (F) -> { *,/ }
a b + * ( $
S S-> AS’’| B*AS’ S->B*AS’
S’ S’ -> +AS’ S’ -> -AS’ S’ -> ε
S’’ S’’ -> +SS’ S’’ -> -SS’
B B -> aB’’ B -> bB’’
B’ B’-> ε B’->*aB’| ε B’ -> (a+B)B’ | ε
B’’ B’’ -> BB’ B’’ -> BB’ B’’->(a+B)B’
A A -> a

2.      2. S -> if E then S | if E then S else S | V := E

V -> id | id [E]

E -> E + T | E – T | T

T -> T * F | T / F | F

F -> V | (E) | const

S -> if E then S S’ | V := E

S’ -> ε | else S

V -> idV’

V’ -> ε | [E]

E -> TE’

E’ -> +TE’ | -TE’ | ε

T -> FT’

T ‘-> *FT’ | /FT’ | ε

F -> V | (E) | const

First (S) -> {if,id }
First (S’) -> { ε,else }
First (V) -> { id}
First (V’) -> { ε ,[}
First (E) -> { id,(,const}
First (E’) -> { +,-, ε }
First (T) -> { id,(,const}
First (T’) -> { *,/, ε }
First (F) -> { id,(,const}
Follow (S) -> { $}
Follow (S’) -> { $}
Follow (V) -> {:}
Follow (V’) -> {:}
Follow (E) -> { then,$,),]}
Follow (E’) -> { then,$,),]}
Follow (T) -> { +,-}
Follow (T’) -> { +,- }
Follow (F) -> { *,/ }

3.S-> a = A

A -> aA’ | bA’

A’ -> +AA’ | ε

First (S)                 : { a }

First (A)                 : { a, b }

First (A’)               : { +, ε }

Follow (S)            : { $ }

Follow (A)           : { $, + }

Follow (A’)          : { $, + }






S-> a = A


A -> aA’

A -> bA’


A’ -> +AA’ | ε

A’ -> ε

4.Diketahui grammar:

be -> bt be

be’ -> or bt be’

be’ -> ε

bt-> bf bt’

bt -> and bf bt’

bt’-> ε

bf -> not bf

bf -> (be)

bf -> true

bf -> false

Inputan: not (true or false) and true and true and false not (false) true

First (be)              = {not , ( , true , false}

First (be’)            = {or , ε}

First (bt)               = {not , ( , true , false}

First (bt’)             = {and , ε}

First (bf)               = {not , ( , true , false}

Follow (be)         = {$ , )}

Follow (be’)        = {$ , )}

Follow (bt)          = {or , $ , )}

Follow (bt’)         = {or , $ , )}

Follow (bf)          = {or, $, ) , and}









be be->bt be’ be->bt be’ be->bt be’ be->bt be’
be’ be’->or bt be’ be’->ε be’->ε
bt bt->bf bt’ bt->bf bt’ bt->bf bt’ bt->bf bt’
bt’ bt’->ε bt’->ε bt’-> and bf bt’ bt’->ε
bf bf->not bf bf-> (be) bf->true bf->false





1. be $ not (true or false) and true and true and false not (false) true be -> bt be’
2. bt be’ $ not (true or false) and true and true and false not (false) true bt -> bf bt’
3. bf bt’ be’ $ not (true or false) and true and true and false not (false) true bf -> not bf
4. not bf bt’ be’ $ not (true or false) and true and true and false not (false) true pop not
5. bf bt’ be’ $ (true or false) and true and true and false not (false) true bf -> (be)
6. (be) bt’ be’ $ (true or false) and true and true and false not (false) true pop (
7. be) bt’ be’ $ true or false) and true and true and false not (false) true be -> bt be’
8. bt be’) bt’ be’ $ true or false) and true and true and false not (false) true bt -> bf bt’
9. bf bt’ be’) bt’ be’ $ true or false) and true and true and false not (false) true bf ->true
10. true bt’ be’) bt’ be’ $ true or false) and true and true and false not (false) true pop true
11 bt’ be’) bt’ be’ $ or false) and true and true and false not (false) true bt’ -> ε
12 be’) bt’ be’ $ or false) and true and true and false not (false) true be’ ->or bt be’
13. or bt be’ ) bt’ be’ $ or false) and true and true and false not (false) true pop or
14. bt be’) bt’ be’ $ false) and true and true and false not (false) true bt ->bf bt’
15. bf bt’ be’) bt’ be’ $ false) and true and true and false not (false) true bf -> false
16. false bt’ be’) bt’ be’ $ false) and true and true and false not (false) true pop false
17. bt’ be’) bt’ be’ $ ) and true and true and false not (false) true bt’ -> ε
18. be’) bt’ be’ $ ) and true and true and false not (false) true be’ -> ε
19. ) bt’ be’ $ ) and true and true and false not (false) true pop )
20. bt’ be’ $ and true and true and false not (false) true bt’-> and bf bt’
21. and bf bt’ be’ $ and true and true and false not (false) true pop and
22. bf bt’ be’ $ true and true and false not (false) true bf -> true
23. true bt’ be’ $ true and true and false not (false) true pop true
24. bt’ be’ $ and true and false not (false) true bt’ -> and bf bt’
25. and bf bt’ be’ $ and true and false not (false) true pop and
26. bf bt’ be’ $ true and false not (false) true bf -> true
27. true bt’ be’ $ true and false not (false) true pop true
28. bt’ be’ $ and false not (false) true bt’ -> and bf bt’
29. and bf bt’ be’ $ and false not (false) true pop and
30. bf bt’ be’ $ false not (false) true bf -> false
31. false bt’ be’ $ false not (false) true pop false
32. bt’ be’ $ not (false) true ditolak


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